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Online Wazifa for Aulad

Online Wazifa for Aulad

Dua and wazifa. Dua and wazifa in the terminology of Islam Dua and wazifa The dua and wazifa is like to read the name of Allah repeat and repeat like Ya Allah Ya Allah Allah-o-Akber Allah-O-Akber then we repeat the name of Allah this is a wazifa. When you ask anything from Allah and if you seek help from Allah. Allah love those who earnestly persist in supplication. Wazifa is effective to solve every problem in your life and Allah give you ever thing in your life and wazifa is very effective wazifa solve every problem like husband and wife quarrel each other marriage problem love problem get husband back problem love marriage problem become rich this every problem can be solve through dua and wazifa to is stong for sole problem.Online Wazifa for Aulad,Online Wazifa for Aulad.

Online Wazifa for Aulad

Every effective  to solve every problem and remove the difference among husband and wife. Whatever the reasons are dont worry if you love you husband and wife insha Allah you will again get closer to each other Ameen. This is very popular amal for all Muslim. This is effective and show results to thousands of Ya Allah followers. Dua and wazifa means to ask Allah directly for something. There is nothing that Allah cannot do therefore is basically the means of asking the creator to do something and Allah is capable of doing each and everything imaginable and the things that are beyond belief for the human mind. Rasullullah used to turn to Allah for every matter of life be it small or big.

Dua and wazifa

However insignificant a task may be as Muslim we have been instructed and advised to turn toward Allah in time of happiness and of sadness. If the mind is not connected to Allah we will result in asking help from the creation of Allah. Sometime there are bad condition in the world we tend to ask ourselves question about why the Muslim are being punished and why we are being oppressed we make so much dua and wazifa to Allah very often and in the end we dont see the fruits of Dua and wazifa. The question which tend to rise is why are Dua not being accepted we get caught in the clear trap of shaytaan and start to thing why isnt Allah doing as we want him to do we feel that we are making Dua and wazifa but nothing is happening.

Online Wazifa for Aulad

The reason behind this attitude is that as humans we tend to always want to do thing in hurry.We want things to be done overnight and often because of this very reason the dua and wazifa things with lack of wisdom. Dua and wazifa is the best sorces to solve the problelm to the God dua and wazifa is most power full to solve the problem. fist you solve the your problem to the God if you dua and wazifa to contect to the bobo sha give the contect in the fist picture and God blessed for you.

Dua and wazifa

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