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Tag Archives: safli ilm

What is the WhatsApp number for Istikhara?


Get Istikhara Guidance via WhatsApp: In today’s fast-paced world, individuals often turn to technology for convenience and efficiency. When it comes to seeking guidance and spiritual assistance, many people explore online options, such as istikhara services. One common query that arises is, “What is the WhatsApp number of Istikhara?” Let’s …

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Online Istikhara: Seeking Guidance and Clarity

Get Guidance with Our Online Istikhara Service: In today’s fast-paced world, many people often find themselves faced with Difficult Decisions and unclear paths. Whether it’s about relationships, finances, career choices, or health issues, making the right choice can be daunting. This is where seeking guidance through Online Istikhara can come …

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Powerful Wazifa to Get Good Jobs

Powerful Wazifa to Get Good Jobs

After you have completed your studies, one thing which every boy or girl is worried about is how to find a job to make their earnings. In today’s time, it is no less a war to find a suitable job for yourself. People roam around for years to find a …

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Wazifa To Get Husband Love Back UK

Wazifa To Get Husband Love Back UK

A bond of marriage between husband and wife is very beautiful and is truly based on love, care, respect and trust among them. These elements make the relationship of marriage lasts longer and unbreakable. A good relationship between husband and wife requires efforts from both the partners. Thus they both …

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Dua For Parents Forgiveness

Dua For Parents Forgiveness

BACKGROUND CONTEXT: Dua For Parents Forgiveness In the previous ayat, Allah gives a clear commandment and shows the rights of parents over their children: Do not make [as equal] with Allah another deity and [thereby] become censured and forsaken. And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, …

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